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Assessment and Evaluation of Group Work in Moodle

Group work can produce anxiety for students, and much of that anxiety comes from not knowing how much their grade will be affected by other...

Supporting Neurodiverse Students Through Course Design

You’ve doubtless heard the expression “Great minds think alike.” In reality, great minds work in countless different ways, with no “right” or “wrong” way to...

Use an Online Learning Expectations Template

Providing a course overview can help your students orient themselves to your course and connect with you as an inProviding online learning expectations will clearly...

Use a Welcome Letter Template

Sending a welcome letter that gives students necessary information and resources to get started,  to students before class begins will help build a sense of...

Gradescope: Streamline the Grading Experience

Gradescope is grading software that is designed to make assignment submission and grading easier. It allows instructors to create variable-length assignments (problem sets & projects)...

Use a Course Overview Template

Providing a course overview can help your students orient themselves to your course and connect with you as an instructor. A course overview provides details...

Using Top Hat for Student Engagement

Do your students struggle to stay engaged during class? Do you want to encourage more participation, engagement and active learning, even in large courses? Top...

Mid-Semester Check-Ins

Mid-semester is a great time to check in with your students in order to make any adjustments or course corrections based on feedback from them....

Humanizing Your Online Course

Workshop Links “Human connection is the antidote for the emotional disruption that prevents many students from performing to their full potential and in online courses,...

Perfectly Imperfect: On-The-Fly Videos

A good relationship between instructors and learners is important for learners’ emotional engagement and success (Fanshawe et al, 2020). Central to the quality of that...

Engagement in Synchronous and Asynchronous Environments

Students must engage in their courses in order to learn. But what, exactly, do we mean by “student engagement?” And what teaching practices and strategies...

Creating Student Learning Communities Online

For all its advantages, sometimes “online learning can be a lonely experience” (Kaufmann & Vallade, 2020). Building community in an online course can combat this...

Helping Students Get Started in an Online Class

First impressions make a big difference in the online classroom. How can you ensure that your online learners feel welcome in the class and that...


Communication is critical in any course. Students benefit greatly from regular interactions with instructors and other students. Establish your instructor presence in an online environment...

Real-time Assessments and Check-ins

Great teachers understand that learning is a conversation, not a monologue. Real-time assessments and check-ins spark conversation with your students, preventing your class from being...

Rubric Best Practices, Examples, and Templates

A rubric is an evaluation tool that outlines the key criteria for an assignment, assessment, or learning outcome. It defines specific levels of achievement in...

Providing Effective Feedback

Instructor and peer feedback have a profound effect on the quality of student learning. When teaching online, it is important to foster both learner-instructor interaction...

Netiquette—Or Best Practices for Interacting Online

Netiquette is the term used to describe the special set of rules for online communication. Because students in the online learning environment are unable to...