Creating Content
In many ways, content is the big lift in a course. This section of the website focuses on the many forms that course content can take. Will you be using a traditional paper textbook, an interactive textbook or open education resources? Will you be using videos from a repository or create any of your own?

Tips and Best Practices
Applying Cognitive Load Theory to Multimedia in Your Class – This article incorporates the twelve principles of multimedia learning as a guide for developing effective instructional videos.
Best Practices and Tips for Shooting Smartphone Videos – Create great videos for your class using your smartphone.
Common Accessibility Issues in Online Courses, and How to Fix Them – An overview of the most common accessibility issues seen in online courses, with resources and steps for how to fix them for the most popular tools and formats.
Connecting Instructional Materials and Learning Activities — When students can clearly see the link between the resources you give them and the tasks they need to complete, they feel more confident, engaged, and ready to succeed. In this article, we’ll explore a few practical strategies to help you create those connections in a way that makes sense to your students.
Creating and Recording Accessible Lectures and Presentations — Course content is often delivered through lectures and presentations. This article will offer tips to help reduce and remove barriers to lecture and presentation content.
Elevate your Content with Universal Design for Learning— This article addresses one of the UDL Guidelines from, the leading proponent of Universal Design for Learning. The guideline covered by this article is “Multiple Means of Representation.”
Create Short, “Just Right” Videos for Your Course – Establish teaching presence in your online class by creating short videos.
Current Virtual Reality Best Practices for the Classroom – VR is being used increasingly in both face-to-face and online learning environments around the world. These best practices can help you better understand this burgeoning technology.

Create a Class Website with WolfWare WordPress – Build flexible websites to post course information, deliver instructional content, develop a blog for your class, and more.
Finding and Teaching with Digital Library Resources in Moodle — Video streaming, article databases, digital course reserves, and more are all available to you and your students via the NC State University Libraries. There are different strategies for finding resources that work for your classes and then integrating them into Moodle to provide easy access for you and your students.
Micro-Learning with Digital Tools – Micro-Learning involves delivering educational content in short, focused bursts that students can access anytime and anywhere. This article will explore the fundamentals of Micro-Learning and highlight some instructional tools that can help educators support their students in achieving their educational goals.
Using H5P Interactive Content in Moodle – H5P is a tool in Moodle that allows you to create dynamic, interactive activities in your course using the “Interactive Content” activity type.
Panopto Basics — Explore this all-inclusive video management platform for creating, hosting, and delivering video content to enhance your course and learning experience for your students.
PlayPosit: Interactive Video – Make instructional video more interactive and engaging by asking questions and providing opportunities for students to interact with content and each other.
Using ChatGPT and AI for Efficient Teaching and Work— Generative AI tools like ChatGPT can simplify and enhance academic work by automating content creation, providing personalized feedback, writing course objectives, summarizing course content, providing lesson ideas, assisting with meeting preparation and documentation, starting a draft or presentation, and more.