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Assessment and Evaluation of Group Work in Moodle

Group work can produce anxiety for students, and much of that anxiety comes from not knowing how much their grade will be affected by other...

Step-by-Step Online Course Space Creation Guide

This guide conveys our recommended approach to setting up a basic course in Moodle at NC State. These suggestions and resources will help you incorporate...

How To Choose and Assess a Learning Tool

Selecting and evaluating a learning tool requires careful consideration. It involves various steps, such as choosing instructional tools that align with your goals for student...

Assessing Student Learning with Core Moodle Tools

Assessment and feedback are critical to teaching and learning. Low-stakes assessments can be “formative,” meaning they administered before or during the learning process to guide...

Using Intelliboard Data to Improve Student Success

Overview Intelliboard is a powerful data visualization tool that gives you user-friendly reports about Moodle data. Intelliboard takes information about your online courses from Moodle...

Promoting Academic Integrity in Moodle Quizzes

How can you configure your online quizzes and exams to make them more secure? While there is no silver bullet to defeat all types of...

Gradescope: Streamline the Grading Experience

Gradescope is grading software that is designed to make assignment submission and grading easier. It allows instructors to create variable-length assignments (problem sets & projects)...

Moodle Gradebook: Basic Setup, Display and Functionality

The Moodle gradebook is a tool that allows instructors to enter grades for course activities and to view a summary of their students’ grades in one place.

Turnitin: Writing Feedback, Plagiarism Checks, and Peer Review

Turnitin is software accessed through Moodle that compares submitted written work with other sources (determined by the instructor) to look for similarities. Turnitin can also...

Peer Review With Digital Tools

Interactions are a key component of student learning in online and face-to-face settings including student-instructor interactions, student-content interactions, and student-student interactions. Peer review is one...

Google Assignments in Moodle

With Google Assignments, you can collect assignments and give feedback by integrating Google Drive and Moodle. What does this mean? You can harness Google’s rich...

Step-by-Step Online Course Creation Guide

This guide conveys our recommended approach to setting up a basic course in Moodle at NC State. These suggestions and resources will help you incorporate...

Administering Online Exams

For assistance with assessment options, feel free to contact DELTA Testing Services or request a LearnTech instructional consultation. Moodle Exam Resources If you need help...


Formative and summative assessments are the backbone of a course and can help determine the learner’s success. This section focuses on the types of formal...

Real-time Assessments and Check-ins

Workshop Links If there are no workshops available, you may request an instructional consultation about this topic. Great teachers understand that learning is a conversation,...

Rubric Best Practices, Examples, and Templates

A rubric is a scoring tool that identifies the different criteria relevant to an assignment, assessment, or learning outcome and states the possible levels of...

Types of Assessment

How do I give an exam online? Will students be more likely to cheat? What makes for an effective assessment in the online learning environment?...

Netiquette—Or Best Practices for Interacting Online

Netiquette is the term used to describe the special set of rules for online communication. Because students in the online learning environment are unable to...

Best Practices for Creating Multiple-Choice Questions

When teaching online, instructors often turn to multiple-choice quizzes and exams to assess student learning. This option provides many benefits, including instantaneous feedback to students...