By Jill AndersonCourse content is often delivered through lectures and presentations. Recorded lectures and lecture slides may be shared through Moodle or by other digital means. Regardless... |Accessibility
By Jill AndersonAbout this guide Use this guide to help you make images, text, audio, video, and tables in your course more accessible, and to improve course... |Accessibility, Course Design
By Jill AndersonYou’ve doubtless heard the expression “Great minds think alike.” In reality, great minds work in countless different ways, with no “right” or “wrong” way to... |Accessibility, Creating Content
By Jill AndersonUniversal Design for Learning (UDL) recognizes that learners vary along many spectra and guides the design of learning experiences that work for everyone. For background... |Accessibility, Course Design
By Jill AndersonUniversal Design for Learning (UDL) recognizes that variability exists in student populations along many spectra, and guides the design of learning experiences that present as... |Accessibility, Course Design
By Jill AndersonUniversal Design for Learning (UDL) guides the design of learning experiences that present as few obstacles to success as possible. To learn more about the... |Accessibility, Course Design
By Jill AndersonUniversal Design for Learning recognizes that variability exists in student populations along many spectra. It guides the design of learning experiences with the goal of... |Accessibility, Creating Content
By Caitlin Jean McKeownView Our More Up-to-date Resource The information here has moved over to our online Digital Accessibility Guide. Please change your bookmarks and use that resource... |Accessibility
By Caitlin Jean McKeownHow can you ensure that your course content can be accessed in multiple ways to meet the needs of diverse learners? Check out these resources...