
Formative and summative assessments are the backbone of a course and can help determine the learner’s success. This section focuses on the types of formal assessments given in an online environment and the tools that support them. You’ll also find resources on giving feedback to students to improve engagement and learning.

Best Practices

Assessment and Evaluation of Group Work in Moodle — This article presents four different options or strategies for group work evaluation and provides pros and cons for each as well as resources that can help you apply the strategies.

Best Practices for Creating Multiple-Choice QuestionsUsing multiple-choice questions can be a reliable means of assessment. This resource will help you learn to create effective multiple-choice questions for assessing students learning.

Designing Assignments and Activities with ChatGPT and Generative AI in Mind – By designing assignments that incorporate generative AI technology, instructors can provide students with opportunities to explore, create, and problem-solve. However, as an instructor, you may also want to create assignments that challenge students to demonstrate their own knowledge and skills without relying heavily on AI-generated content.

Make a More Student-Friendly Gradebook – Clear communication of grades through the Moodle gradebook greatly benefits students. In this article, we’ll suggest some ways to set up and use your Moodle gradebook for students’ maximum benefit and ease of use throughout the semester.

Promoting Academic Integrity in Moodle Quizzes – How can you configure your online quizzes and exams to make them more secure? While there is no silver bullet to defeat all types of cheating, there are some settings and best practices you can consider for promoting academic integrity when using Moodle quizzes for assessment.

Types of Assessment – There are multiple options for assessment, including discussion boards, assignments in which students upload a file, group work, self-assessments, and proctored and non-proctored quizzes and exams.


Providing Effective Feedback – Effective feedback improves students’ learning throughout the learning process.  This resource helps you to explore different options to find the best fit for the instructor or peer feedback for your content.

Rubric Best Practices, Examples, and Templates – Rubrics provide not only explicit assessment instructions and expectations to students but also serve as informative feedback to help students reflect on their learnings.  Refer to rubric best practices, examples, and templates for creating and applying rubrics in your courses.


Administering Online Exams – A review of the options for administering exams and other assessments in your online course.

Assessing Student Learning With Core Moodle Tools — Moodle has several built-in tools you can use to assess student learning.

Google Assignments – With Google Assignments, you can collect assignments and give feedback by integrating Google Drive and Moodle.

Gradescope: Streamline the Grading Experience — Gradescope is grading software that is designed to make assignment submission and grading easier.

Intelliboard – Intelliboard is a data visualization tool that gives you user-friendly reports about your students and their progress in your Moodle course.

Peer Review with Digital Tools – Feedback is a crucial part of learning but doesn’t only have to come from instructors.

Perusall: Interactive Reading Assignments – Perusall is a text-based social annotation/commenting/discussion tool that can help increase student engagement, build community among your students, motivate them to complete readings, and help them collaborate and communicate with each other.

Real-time Assessments and Check-ins – Learn how interactive tools can foster an active learning environment and enhance your students’ learning.

Student Blogging Assignments — Blogs can provide an alternative to more formal term papers, foster a sense of learning community, and provide a platform for project-based learning.

Turnitin – Promote academic integrity in writing assignments.

Ungrading Toolkit: Learning vs. Earning – This toolkit provides techniques and supporting digital tools to help you implement ungrading in your courses or individual course projects.