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Micro-Learning with Digital Tools

Over the past few years, teaching practices and pedagogy have undergone significant changes, giving rise to various innovative approaches. As these shifts have altered how...

Course Introductions: Forums, VoiceThread, Padlet

Course introductions provide instructors with the first opportunity to connect with their students on a personal level. Traditional methods often fell short in fostering meaningful...

Get Your Students Talking Online

Interactions between students are a valuable part of online learning. Multiple studies (see Liu et al (2024) and Azizan et al (2023) for examples) have...

Micro-Learning with Videos and Multimedia

This article has been updated. The most current information is located in Micro-Learning With Digital Tools. If you have bookmarked this page, please update your...

VoiceThread: Interactive Presentations and Student Discussions

VoiceThread is an asynchronous multimedia slideshow tool that offers diverse applications, including lectures, discussions, student presentations, reviews, and more. It operates through the use of...