Gradescope: Streamline the Grading Experience

Gradescope is grading software that is designed to make assignment submission and grading easier. It allows instructors to create variable-length assignments (problem sets & projects) as well as fixed-template assignments (worksheets, quizzes, or exams). Students can easily submit their work and view their grades and feedback from the instructors.

One of the unique features of Gradescope is that students can easily upload their paper-based assignments, such as bubble sheets, to be graded by instructors.   AI-assisted grading and group grading options give instructors a better experience in grading and provide consistent feedback.  Detailed statistics help instructors to gain ideas about students’ learning processes.  In addition, Gradescope is integrated into Moodle. You and your students can access Gradescope through Moodle without having a separate Gradescope account.  Instructors will be able to sync Moodle students’ roasters as well as upload Gradscope grades to Moodle grade book.

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How to get started

To get started on using Gradescope in Moodle, please refer to Using Gradescope with Moodle article. 

Best practices

Understand your Goals

Gradscope supports a wide range of assignment types.  To determine what type of assignment you are giving in Gradescope, it would be helpful to think about what is really the way you want your students to submit their assignments.  For example, if you have Math homework that requires students to write the process of how they get to the correct answer on paper, you might want to consider using the Homework/Problem Sets assignment type.  This type of assignment supports a variable-length template that is more flexible for students to write and give their answers.  If you give exams that require students to put their answers on bubble sheets, Gradescope Bubble Sheets assignment type might work better.  This type of assignment allows you to pre-define the correct answers for questions and Gradescopoe will automatically grade students’ submissions for you as they are uploaded. Understanding what you are trying to do will help you to identify the right type of assignments to use in Gradescope. 

Create Gradescope from Moodle

Since Gradescope is integrated with Moodle, you will want to create your Gradescope from Moodle. This provides a gateway to Gradescope and enables students to connect to Gradescope through a Moodle course without signing in a second time, and with no need to create a separate account.  It also allows you to sync your Moodle student roster to Gradescope as well as grades to be synced to Moodle.  

Create a new Gradescope course each semester

If you plan to use Gradescope every semester, you will want to create a new Gradescope course every semester.  By doing that, you start out with a clean slate each semester without previous students’ data as well as their submissions.  Once you have your Gradescope course created, you can reuse or duplicate Gradescope assignments from a different course.  For instructions on how to duplicate an assignment, please refer to the Gradescope Knowledge Base.  

Publish Grades

After you grade students’ assignments, in order for students to view their grades in Gradescope, you will need to Publish Grades first.  Please see the instructions on how to publish grades in Gradescope.  You can also upload grades from Gradescope to Moodle for students to view in Moodle gradebook.   Make sure you add Gradescope directly to your Moodle course and sync your roster first.  The grades will not automatically sync to Moodle unless you press the “Post Grades to Moodle” button.  For instructions on how to post grades to Moodle, please refer to the Gradescope Knowledge Base.  

Include Gradescope in Syllabus

Include Gradscope information in your course syllabus, so your students will know how to access Gradescope, and submit assignments, especially if it requires them to upload their paper assignments to Gradscope as well as where to view grades.  Gradescope Student Center provides helpful information to get your students started. 



Gradescope Resources

Assignment Type Resources:

Moodle Resources: