Example Courses

Have you ever wondered what a really well-designed course looks like? These NC State courses have all been certified through the nationally recognized Quality Matters program. Each course meets research-based standards for high-quality online course design. View all NC State QM-certified courses and learn more about the Course Quality Program at NC State.

To view the example courses below:

  1. Click on the link in the “Course Name” column.
  2. Log in with your NC State Unity ID (if you haven’t already done so).
  3. If this is your first time accessing the course, you must first self-enroll as a student by clicking on the Enroll me button.
  4. You will be able to view the course from a student’s perspective.

Course NameCourse Documents (log in with NC State Google to view)College
ENG 331
Communication for Engineering and Technology
ENG 331 example course map
ENG 331 example syllabus
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
HS 201
The World of Horticulture: Principles and Practices
HS 201 example course map
HS 201 example syllabus
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
ST 558
Data Science for Statisticians
ST 558 example course map
ST 558 example syllabus
College of Sciences
Examples of Quality Matters Certified Courses at NC State